One Crazy Summer

One Crazy Summer (1986)

2 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: When Cassandra bets the bullies that Hoops can out shoot him in basketball, they take a light cover off a light to use as the basketball. Suddenly as they begin shooting, it changes to a basketball.

Correction: This is a common misconception. Ty removes the light cover so that they may "hang" Ack Ack on it. This is shown in the next scene as Ack Ack and his sweater are hung on the fixture like a jacket on a clothing hook.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the boat race at the end the tongue is cut of the toy dog acting as a mascot for Hoops's boat. When we see the boat during the race the tongue is still attached.

Correction: There is only one clear shot of the dog after the race starts, and it does not have its tongue.


Continuity mistake: When the heroes dedicate their boat, Demi Moore's character knocks a hole in the side of the boat. In subsequent shots, the hole looks like it's been partially repaired.

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Egg Stork: Ack Ack, let me tell you a little story. A story about a little fat kid who everybody made fun of, and nobody liked and he had a twin brother, and everybody said he never looked like his twin brother, but he wanted to.
Ack Ack Raymond: Egg, where you that little boy?
Egg Stork: No! No! But I used to beat the shit out him!"Why are you so fat? Why are so ugly?" Aaagghh.
Ack Ack Raymond: Great story, thanks.

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