Casa de mi Padre
Movie Quote Quiz

Armando: Let him die. He's missing a hand anyway.

DEA Agent Parker: Listen you piece of shit. I make one call, and I can get 10 helicopters to come over that hill and turn your ranch into a lit fart.

Miguel Ernesto: You are so much like your mother. She had such a good heart, and I know your heart is in the right place, but like your mother, you are not smart. You have never been smart.
Armando: But I am smart father.
Miguel Ernesto: Yes, of course, Armando. But for my trouble, I need someone who is very smart. If you were truly smart, you would know that you are dumb. Look at your fat head.

Manuel: Perhaps she is lying. Bitches are liars.
Armando: It is true, bitches are liars, but Miss Lopez is no bitch.
Esteban: I like bitches.

Miguel Ernesto: I still say you care more for the baby cow than for a woman.
Armando: Yes, it's true, Manuel, but only because I have not found the right woman.

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