Plot hole: In the second Shrek movie, we find out that Fairy Godmother and the King had a deal that Prince Charming would save Princess Fiona from the keep, hence becoming her true love and breaking the curse. In the fourth movie, we start with Rumple monologuing about how he almost had the Kingdom by signing a deal with the King. Why would the King be so desperate to try and reverse the curse by signing a deal when he knows he has a prior attempt through Prince Charming, assuming it would take the same time for the messenger to return with news about Charming and Fiona either way?
Suggested correction: It is stated in the intro that when "days turned into years" of waiting for a Prince to rescue Princess Fiona, the king and queen resorted to more desperate measures - enter Rumpelstiltskin.
Donkey: Man, you are a cat-tastrophe.
Puss in Boots: And you, are ri-donk-ulous.
Question: What happened then to Prince Charming or Fairy Godmother? In Shrek 2, they did mention that it was the Fairy Godmother who cursed Fiona. So how come Prince Charming never rescued her instead of Shrek (since he was never born in Rumpelstiltskin's timeline)? The King and Queen may have disappeared but at least Prince Charming could have still saved her.
Answer: It is not known why it took Charming so long to rescue Fiona. She was in the tower for several years. Shrek 2 picked up after she was rescued and it was too late for Charming. Since Shrek was never born and Charming was so late, I would think there was nothing from stopping the King and Queen from signing the deal with Rumplestiltskin. The deal was for Fiona to be rescued from the tower in exchange for the Kingdom. He never said "who" rescued her. She rescued herself. It was a trick from the beginning. Not sure of their whereabouts after the deal. Fairy Godmother probably could not change the alternate reality if she did not know what happened to everyone.
Answer: Although they never say explicitly what happened, my guess is in the alternate reality where Shrek never came to rescue Fiona Prince Charming was killed by the dragon (like all the other knights who tried to save her) and then Fiona escaped on her own shortly afterwards.
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