Message in a Bottle

Garrett goes out on his boat, knowing a storm is on the rise, to send the last message in a bottle to Catherine. The storm ends up being faster than he thought, and he ends up drowning before he can swim back to shore. Theresa then has to cope with his death.


Continuity mistake: When Garret finds the messages and bottle in Theresa's bedside table, the candle on the table is lit in one shot, then unlit, and then lit again.

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Theresa Osborne: What if you got mad at me. It's a small boat.
Garret Blake: I don't like fighting, Theresa. Bowling either.

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Question: How did the bottle end up in lake Michigan if it was thrown in the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: None of the bottles ended up in Lake Michigan. Theresa is from Chicago, and when she and her son are at Boston Logan Airport she tells her ex-husband she'll be staying in Cape Cod for a few days, which is where she finds the bottle on the beach, along the Atlantic Coast. Then after the newspaper article, Theresa learns of another letter in a bottle, which Theresa notes as "bottle #2", and this bottle was found in Ocean City, Maryland, also along the Atlantic Coast. Catherine's letter in a bottle was found at Virginia's shoreline, so all of the bottles were found on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

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