Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Greg is eating dinner with Pam's parents, his amount of sweet potatoes on his plate varies, sometimes there's many on his plate, other times there are less. (00:30:30)

Revealing mistake: At the airport when Jack says 'tow it', there is an extra waiting for his mark to walk outside seen in the reflection of the doors.

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Trivia: In the scene where Greg is entering the drug store, listen to the lyrics of the music playing on the speakers - they are very similar to his speech when he says grace in the dinner table scene. Obviously where he got his words from, but not immediately obvious unless you listen for it.

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Question: Why was Greg surprised by the fact that Kevin and Bob went to lacrosse camp?

Answer: Greg was probably surprised at just how "richy" they really are. Because lacrosse camp seems like a really rich, preppy thing to do. But mainly, I think he was suprised because he did not know that his girlfriend's ex and his girlfriend's sister's fiance knew each other. He didn't realize how connected they all were.

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