Major League II

Revealing mistake: Signs for Baltimore based businesses are clearly visible in the stands, such as "Sheraton Inner Harbour" and various Baltimore banks.

Revealing mistake: Before the fight breaks out in the dugout, Willy Mays Hayes makes a comment to Rick Vaughn, causing him to tackle Hayes from behind. If you notice just before he tackles him, Hayes shoulders stiffen up, preparing to be hit.

Revealing mistake: In all the baseball scenes the stands are filled mostly with cardboard cut-outs of people, with a few real people mixed in.

Continuity mistake: Near the end after winning the AL championship, Vaughn vaults the wall to chase down the teacher. As he climbs the wall, you can see a fan reach out and grab his elbow to help him up. The shot changes to a front view of Vaughn coming over the wall and the fan is now too far away to reach him with no time in between shots.


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Jake Taylor: Rube, you look at Playboy all the time, don't you?
Rube Baker: I don't just look at it. I read the articles.
Jake Taylor: Sure you do.
Rube Baker: I do. I especially like it when they mention the girls' interests, like Betsy loves surfing.
Jake Taylor: You even memorize them?
Rube Baker: Yep. I guess I do.
Jake Taylor: Bingo.

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