Harvey Milk: All men are created equal. No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words.
Harvey Milk: Without hope, life's not worth living.
Harvey Milk: Forty years old and I haven't done a thing that I'm proud of.
Scott Smith: You keep eating this cake, you're not going to make it to fifty.
McConnely: There's Man's Law and there's God's Law in this neighborhood and in this city... The San Francisco Police Force is happy to enforce either.
Harvey Milk: Thanks for the warm welcome to the neighborhood!
Harvey Milk: If it were true that children emulate their teachers, we'd have a lot more nuns running around.
State Senator John Briggs: It's time to root them out.
Tom Ammiano: And how are you going to determine who's a homosexual?
State Senator John Briggs: My bill outlines procedures for identifying homosexuals.
Tom Ammiano: How? Will you be sucking them off?
Harvey Milk: A homosexual with power... That's scary.
Scott Smith: Are you on uppers or something?
Harvey Milk: No, this is just plain old me.
Dan White: Society can't exist without the family.
Harvey Milk: We're not against that.
Dan White: Can two men reproduce?
Harvey Milk: No, but God knows we keep trying.