Question: When Pushkin wakes up after Bond pretends to kill him at the press conference, he apologises to his wife/girlfriend for putting her through the trauma. But since she was in the bathroom when Bond was there interrogating Pushkin (about Koskov etc.), wouldn't she have heard Bond and Pushkin discussing the staged assassination (after Pushkin says "Then I must die")?
Question: What exactly happened to Koskov at the end? Pushkin said something like "Put him on a Plane in a diplomatic bag" but was he just being sarcastic or what?
Chosen answer: He says, "Put him on the first plane to Moscow...", making Koskov think he was going to live, but then Pushkin adds, " a diplomatic bag." He is being transported back to Russia in a bag...hence, he will be quite dead.
Question: In the hotel scene where Timothy Dalton meets Pushkin, why does he rip the girl's dress off?
Question: When riding through the village Bond remarks "this is the work of Muhjadeens." What actions does he refer to?
Answer: Bond is referring to an attack on the Soviet military. There are damaged military vehicles and the bodies of Soviet soldiers lying around, so the village appears to have been recently "liberated" from the Soviets by the mujahideen, although with significant collateral damage to the village itself.
Question: When they run out of fuel in the plane, he says "there's nowhere to land." Why not land on the perfectly flat and smooth road they subsequently drive off on, which would have been obvious?
Answer: Posted as a mistake and corrected, answering this question: Corrected entry: After the plane runs out of fuel, Bond says "there's no place to put down." They then get into the jeep and out of the plane in a complex move, ending up on a huge flat desert, right next to a long straight road... Correction: A road like that would probably not support the plane's weight, and a sandy desert is NOT a good place to put down, as the wheels would sink quickly in the sand, probably causing the plane to cartwheel. Planes of that size take a very long taxi when landing, and even if the road could support the weight, it would need an uninterrupted length of smooth pavement to make a landing. It's one reason even pilots in small aircraft rarely land on a road, but in a field or something nearby a road. Most roads also have wires, poles, etc along the sides, which a plane could very well be destroyed from. Wires are not visible at altitude, thus roads are not necessarily the best place to try to land in an emergency.
Chosen answer: She could have been let go off screen once it was clear that Bond wasn't going to kill Pushkin, so they could formulate the plan in secret.
Captain Defenestrator