Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Riggs handcuffs himself to the depressed businessman. They jump off the building but they're not handcuffed to each other anymore. They used plastic cuffs which could separate during the stunt in case anything went wrong. They break just as they jump, so they grab each other's hands to stay in contact. After they land the cuffs are attached again. (00:31:00)

Lethal Weapon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the girl jumps to her death from the balcony, it shows her hitting the car towards the right halfway onto the windshield. Then in the next shot, it shows her lying right in the middle of the roof of the car. (00:04:05)

Lethal Weapon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Hunsaker's shot, he's standing right in front of the window. When it cuts to a wider shot, he's suddenly a foot or two further left. (01:04:00)

Lethal Weapon mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Riggs handcuffs himself to the depressed businessman. They jump off the building but they're not handcuffed to each other anymore. They used plastic cuffs which could separate during the stunt in case anything went wrong. They break just as they jump, so they grab each other's hands to stay in contact. After they land the cuffs are attached again. (00:31:00)

More mistakes in Lethal Weapon

Roger Murtaugh: See how easy that was? Boom, still alive. Now we question him. You know why we question him? Because I got him in the leg. I didn't shoot him full of holes or try to jump off a building with him.
Martin Riggs: Hey, that's no fair. The building guy lived.

More quotes from Lethal Weapon

Trivia: The helicopter from which Hunsacker is shot by Mister Joshua is FAA registry number N230CA, meaning it's the same Bell JetRanger wearing a POLICE paint scheme that is shot down towards the end of the movie 'Blue Thunder'. (01:14:10)


More trivia for Lethal Weapon

Question: In the nightclub, Mel Gibson shoots a guy who says "Hey, what are you..." Was he a bad guy, or was he just a random citizen?


Chosen answer: He was one of Hunsacker's men.

More questions & answers from Lethal Weapon

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