Corrected entry: When Dakota is fighting off the killer, she is tied up after she is knocked unconscious. There is no way a man with one arm can tie up a girl in triple knots.

I Know Who Killed Me (2007)
1 corrected entry
Directed by: Chris Sivertson
Starring: Lindsay Lohan, Neal McDonough, Julia Ormond, Bonnie Aarons
Audio problem: When Dakota and Jerrod start having sex, Aubrey's mother can hear Jerrod's moans through the ceiling. But up until they *really* start getting into the act, the moans that Susan is hearing don't match the shots in the bedroom.
[After having sex with Jerrod.]
Dakota Moss: Did she ever fuck you like that?
[Jerrod doesn't answer.]
Dakota Moss: Did she ever fuck you at all?
[again Jerrod doesn't answer.]
Dakota Moss: Do you think she'd start now?
Question: What's the symbolism behind all the blue in the movie?
Answer: Blue's the color for Aubrey's character, and the red one's for Dakota. If you watch the movie carefully you can notice that Aubrey wears blue clothes the most of the time while Dakota wears red ones. So it's just to represent the diferent characters and make the movie obvious.
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Correction: There is absolutely no reason a one armed individual would be unable to tie any knot you care to list. They'd simply need to go about it a different way than someone with two arms.
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