Question: The first scene with Lynn shows her with a man who asks for a divorce. He doesn't look like Jeff, or am I wrong?

Answer: You are not wrong. The man is her lover, he wants her to get a divorce.


Question: So in this film, through the flashbacks, we learn a lot about the previous films. However, with all that is known, why does Jigsaw leave Adam in the bathroom and close the door? He says game over - did Adam fail? Is the suffocation by Amanda the punishment for failing?


Answer: Adam didn't just lose because he let the key get drowned. He had the two hacksaws and he broke his own in a hurry. And there was also the toilet lid that he could have used to smash his foot like Eric did in Saw III. Jigsaw never said that improvising or thinking outside the box was against the rules. So even if you wipe the key out of the equation, Adam still has at least two other ways to release himself from the chains.


Answer: It was too late for Adam to solve the game the way he was intended to- the key went down the drain, which Jigsaw actually didn't intend to happen. Adam's key was meant to be tied around his neck in such a way that neither him nor Lawrence would be able to see, and Adam would be allowed to go free and escape if he were to locate the key- which would only be possible if he looked at himself. The whole idea behind his puzzle was "looking at himself instead of others, for a change." The reason it went down the drain instead, was because of Amanda, who continuously made traps unsolvable. Instead of tying it around him like Jigsaw asked, she just tossed it on his chest, which defeated the whole purpose. Also, he was given a saw just as Lawrence was, as a much more violent plan B, another way he could save his own life.

That doesn't make sense because Jigsaw told Adam that the key is in the bathtub at the end of the movie.

Answer: In Saw III, Jigsaw states that he "despises murderers", so when Adam tried to shoot him, in his eyes, he just attempted murder. There is also the fact that Adam killed Zep as well, so maybe Jigsaw regarded that as straight-up killing.

Chosen answer: Jigsaw most likely decided to leave Adam in the room in case Gordon didn't shoot him. Adam wasn't the one who failed, it was Gordon. He simply decided to leave him in there, the easy way out. As for his suffocation, Jigsaw already mentions Amanda's emotional side also being her weakness. While Adam was meant to die after a certain amount of time, Amanda's emotions got the best of her and so she decided to mercy kill him.


Answer: Well Jigsaw told Adam that the key to his chains was in the bathtub, without knowing he pulled the plug, drowning the key with it. However, he could have responded instead of trying to shoot Jigsaw. After that, he most likely came to the conclusion that Adam didn't learn his lesson. And Amanda coming back to kill him is most likely a mercy kill, though it's not confirmed.

Question: In both Saw II and III we learn that Amanda is working for Jigsaw, after her test in the first movie. However I don't see the reason why she had to be in a game again, in Saw II. I was hoping that to be explained in Saw III, but apparently, it wasn't. Please enlighten me.

Answer: In Saw V, Jigsaw explains to Hoffman that Amanda's purpose in the second game was make sure the others followed the rules.


Answer: Amanda was in the Saw 2 game to mainly protect Daniel Eric's son from harm, so he could be alive for Eric's test during the police interrogation with Jigsaw. The whole game centered around Eric Matthews and simply included his framed victims. This was Amanda's choosing, so she was the reasonable choice to oversee it.

Answer: In Saw II, Amanda pretended to be one of the prisoners, so she could observe her fellow prisoners.

Question: Why did Amanda return and suffocate Adam? Was it to shorten his suffering or to make sure he wouldn't find a way to escape?

Answer: There's a scene in the Director's Cut edition of Saw III, in which Amanda was having nightmares about Adam and him getting out of the bathroom and killing her. He says something that translates to "How could you do this to me?!" when the audio is reversed. With the knowledge that he's just sitting there in agony probably waiting to die, she goes back and kills him out of guilt so he doesn't die a long death. There is also a deleted scene in Saw III, where Adam and Amanda actually meet and he takes a photo of her before she sneaks into his apartment and abducts him.

Answer: Amanda returned to kill him because she felt guilty of the whole key screw up thing, and she didn't want Adam to die a slow, long and painful death, therefore if she kills him now, he'll be put out of his misery and die quicker.

Answer: Saw is testing people and allowing them to live if they show they are able to change. Amanda has decided that no one is able to change and is therefore killing everyone even if they passed the test.


Answer: I've read elsewhere that it was a mercy kill. To put him out of his misery. After all Adam had zero way or chance of escaping or survival - especially after the key to his chains/shackle were down the tubes, so to speak. And his means of egress - that sliding door - was locked, too.

Alan Keddie

Question: What is the liquid that is sprayed on the girl in the first room that Jeff enters?

Answer: Water.


It was super cold water - she died because she was freezing (she froze to death).

Question: In the ending scene when flashbacks of all the "Saw" movies are seen, I've slow motioned it many times, but I never see Dr. Gordon. Can anyone else find him?

Answer: At the time, Cary Elwes was unhappy with Lionsgate because he felt that he was entitled to more money for his role in the first saw film. Because of this, he does not appear in any other Saw films until Saw 3D.


Answer: Only Saw 3D shows what happens to Dr. Gordon, in which he cauterises his wound, is found by John and congratulated on his survival. The reason Dr. Gordon didn't show up until said film was because the actor of him Cary Elwes filed a lawsuit against the production company of the first Saw film, Evolution Entertainment, as they payed him insufficient funds which he was promised.

Question: Originally, the character Detective Mathews was written to be in the movie. Then the actor (Donnie Wahlberg) supposedly left due to creative differences. But nevertheless, he is in Saw III. Does anyone know the details of the matter?

Answer: Simply put the creators of Saw III did not want you to know that Donnie was going to be in the movie, so they put that up there so you could be suprised when you saw him.


Answer: It could also be due to the death of Gregg Hoffman, one of the producers of Saw and Saw II, who unexpectedly died during the making of Saw III.

Why would the death of a producer make the people involved in the film deliberately mislead fans about Donnie Wahlberg leaving the project?


It literally says on the Saw III Wikipedia that Wahlberg didn't want to return for Saw III, but because of Hoffman, he decided to return for his honour.

Question: I'm having troubles reconciling few things. In no particular order, here are my questions: a) The shotgun scene didn't make any sense. I guess the "surprise" is that it fires when you release not when you pull it, but it just seems like one of those things where you duck and tell the other guy to duck and then unscrew it while ducking. b) So, John is given one last bullet and asked if he'd like to kill one more time. So, lets say Amanda actually does what she's told and doesn't kill Lynn. Isn't John going to kill her anyway since that was his intent? c) Likewise, how would Lynn have not told John about her collar? You'd think that it'd be the first thing she'd mention to him or you'd think it'd be something he might want to ask about. This, of course, then becomes a bigger deal because if he knows he can't kill Jigsaw without killing his wife, then he probably doesn't and everything has a happy ending. To me, it would've been cool if she had no way to tell him but was trying really hard to and he just ignored her and killed him anyway. d) Was it considered Amanda's choice then to have timers so short to make things "unwinnable"? The characters seemed to basically "win" every time but just couldn't within the time allotted. Presuming that is the case, how could an obsessive guy like Jigsaw not see and evaluate everything? How could he not be the ones watching videos of everything? I get that it was a test for Amanda, but since he objected to "murder" so much, then how could he knowingly allow her to murder?

Answer: A) The judge was preoccupied with Timothy's predicament and Jeff was preoccupied with the rifle, so he may not have noticed the judge was in the line of fire. B) Jeff didn't know Lynn was also being held captive until he witnessed Amanda shoot her. Him shooting Amanda in retaliation was a knee-jerk reaction. Had he walked into the room and seen Lynn alive and well, it may have caused him to let his guard down long enough for Jigsaw to explain everything. Then again, like you said, he just may have killed Amanda anyway. C) Lynn actually was trying to tell Jeff about her predicament, but she could barely speak after being shot and bleeding out, plus Jeff was mainly focused on Jigsaw. D) Jigsaw was extremely ill and weak at this point. He probably didn't have much oversight on Amanda's work. In all likelihood, he learned about her transgressions from Hoffman.


Question: If Amanda felt guilty about abducting Adam, why couldn't she just return to the bathroom, unshackle his chains, and nurse him back to health, like John did with Dr Gordon, instead of killing him?

Answer: She could have, but if she did and John found out, she might get punished and he might start to lose her trust. He could also just put Adam in another game (possibly inescapable since he was meant to die of thirst).

Question: In the policewoman's apartment, the recording she is watching of the puppet goes to live. How did that happen with a recording?

Answer: The camera was plugged into the VCR, so when the tape finished, and the Officer stopped it, it switched to the live feed.

Question: A whole lot of questions are answered is this movie, but there's one thing not explained. What happened to Dr. Gordon?

Answer: After crawling out of the bathroom, Dr. Gordon cauterizes his leg on a hot steam pipe in the tunnels outside. He then passes out and Jigsaw finds him and nurses him back to health, giving him a new foot. Gordon then becomes Jigsaw's helper, helping him in many of his traps.

Question: I'm just wondering exactly what role Jeff played in this film? It seems he was required just to stumble blindly through the rooms, deciding whether people should live or die, with no real consequence for their death or non-death. Am I missing something, or was his inclusion in the film rather redundant?

Answer: Jeff was another part of the game Jigsaw was playing. Jigsaw picked a man and wife (the wife being the nurse Jigsaw wanted to keep him alive) who were having marital problems after their son was killed. Everybody who Jeff had to decide whether lived or died played a role in his son's death. The judge who gave his son's killer a light sentence. Witnesses who lied on the stand, and the last person, his son's killer. The game was to see if Jeff had it in his heart to forgive those responsible for his son's death.


Answer: Jeff's role was integral in the plot. He was a package deal with his wife. Jigsaw tested Jeff with the 3 people behind his son's death, by letting him pick between forgiveness or vengeance. He ultimately used it as a final test when facing Jigsaw himself. Also, his wife was used as a test for Amanda, whom Jigsaw predicted would give in to her murderous motives and seal her fate by being killed by Jeff as a consequence for killing Lynn. This buildup could only have been possible if Jeff was in the game, to include Lynn as a doctor for Jigsaw and test for Amanda.

Answer: Jeff's test was all about forgiveness, to see if he either gave people a second chance, or if he was selfish and was seeking vengeance. This is why Jigsaw was part of the game as well, because he knows where Jeff's daughter, Corbett, is.

Question: When Amanda sits down beside John, before his procedure performed by Dr. Lynn, John tells Amanda that he needs her to do some things for him. He tells her that there is an envelope with her name on it in his drawer, we assume that this contains the things he needed her to do. However, later on in flashbacks in Saw 3D we see that Hoffman actually puts the envelope in the drawer. We also learn that written on the paper inside the envelope Hoffman reveals to Amanda that he knows that she was with Cecil the night that Jill lost her baby due to Cecil's actions, and if she doesn't kill Lynn he will tell John what he knows. So why would John know about the envelope at all?


Chosen answer: First, slight correction, we actually see Hoffman wrote the note in "Saw IV", not "Saw 3D." And the answer to your question is never revealed. It's possible that Hoffman told John he was leaving a note for Amanda. It's also possible that John did leave a note, but Hoffman replaced it. It's possible John knew what the note said, and was using this to test Amanda. There are plenty of possibilities. But it's never overtly explained.

Question: Is there an actual drug that could cause someone's heart rate to slow down and muscles to relax for several hours, to the point where they can remain completely still?


Answer: The drugs that anaesthesiologists use for people undergoing surgery (such as IV drugs and inhaled gases) relax muscles to the point that the patient can't move and becomes unconscious. But with monitored sedation (as opposed to general anaesthesia), there can be varying° of drowsiness perhaps with the ability to talk. If you've heard of "anesthesia awareness", this may be a condition close to what you are asking about. Not enough general anesthesia is administered (the amount needed was misjudged or deliberately lowered because of a dangerous situation but hoped to be enough) and the patient becomes aware during surgery but cannot move. General anesthesia typically uses nitrous oxide and variations of ether. Barbiturates/ sedatives/ tranquilizers - even enough alcohol - in varying amounts over time can keep a person largely immobile. (I'm not mentioning any specific drugs).


Question: In Amanda's flashback, John says "Then start with this." as he gives a yellow envelope to Amanda. What is in that envelope?


Chosen answer: The envelope that John gives Amanda in the flashback contains photos of Adam so that Amanda can kidnap him and put him in the bathroom.

Question: What city(s) do the Saw trilogy take place in?

Answer: I don't think we're ever told.

Answer: Possibly Los Angeles because they filmed the first Saw there.

Answer: It's not revealed where the Saw series takes place. A possible answer could be one of the states that they filmed it in.

Continuity mistake: The drill that Lynn uses on Jigsaw's skull has a white piece of tape on the end of the drill bit a short distance from the end, presumably to mark the thickness of his skull so she knows where to stop. In one shot (during the drilling scene) the piece of tape moves a good two inches farther up on the drill bit, but it's back down in the very next shot. (01:04:05)

Nick Bylsma

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Trivia: The camera moves from Troy's crime scene to Kerry in the bathtub in one shot - Dina Meyer had to run around the set, undress, and jump into the tub. If you look closely, you can still see the water moving from when she jumped in.


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