Heartbreak Ridge

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Factual error: Towards the end of the movie Lieutenant Ring is ordered to escort the rescued students to Cherry Point. When they arrive they are actually at MCAS El Toro, not MCAS Cherry Point. Any Marine who has been at both air stations can immediately tell the difference.

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Gunnery Seargant Thomas Highway: Sergeant, get that contraband stogie out of my face before I shove it so far up your ass that you'll have to stick a match up your nose to light it!

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Question: Why is it that the recon unit Gunny Highway leads is comprised of nearly 20 guys (early fall outs) and when they head off to battle the unit only has the 6-8 main characters?


Answer: It's because it's a movie. The plot could not ably handle the stories of twenty different characters while maintaining the action's pace and a cohesive story line within a two-hour time frame. It instead focuses on a few key characters.


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