Hard Rain

Factual error: When Christian Slater and Minnie Driver are trying to get out of the water before it reaches the transformer, there is a real big problem with this scene. If there really was a flood and it was rising that high, the city should have shut off the electricity to the entire city, to prevent any electric hazards that may happen in that situation.

Factual error: Current flows in a circuit. The guy on the metal antenna tower is similar to a bird sitting on a power line. No current flows through the bird. Furthermore, current would flow from the transformer through the water to ground. There would be no current flow up the metal antenna tower.

Factual error: In the scene inside Karen's house, the water level rises way too fast. The house is not in an isolated pool of water, but connected to the entire city. So for the water level to rise several meters inside the house would mean that the water rose several meters in the entire city. And that could not happen that fast. If it was a wave from the lake, the water level would drop again.

Jacob La Cour

Audio problem: When Jim has been pushed out of the boat by Sheriff in the church, his voice is heard echoing "no" at exactly the same time that he is spitting water out visually.

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Tom: Watch your step.

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Trivia: The original title of this movie was "The Flood."

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Question: What music is playing in the background of the church when Christian Slater gets knocked out?

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