
Factual error: When Hannibal calls Clarice and gives her 3 seconds to change the battery on the phone, it is possible to change the battery in 3 seconds but you would have to turn the phone back on and let it initialize which would make the whole process take longer than 3 seconds. (01:33:17)

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Suggested correction: Please provide evidence, including the make, model, and duration of the initialization process of the phone, to substantiate this statement. It's not known from the information available that it isn't possible to hot swap the battery, meaning it's quite possible in 3 seconds.

Tell you what, why don't you give us all the make and model of phone which can be turned off, have its battery replaced, and then boot back up again, in 3 seconds. It's not remotely possible on any phone, old or new. Anyone who was using cellphones in the era this phone was made knows it, or indeed now for that matter.

Movie magic.

Factual error: At the end of the film, Ray Liotta wouldn't be able to raise his eyebrows as the frontalis muscle had been divided. (01:57:10)

Factual error: In the scene where the top of Paul's skull and scalp are removed, the scalp looks normal. In order to remove the skull and scalp in such a manner, the blood supply to the scalp would've been completely severed. Without a blood supply, the scalp would've quickly discolored, and certainly wouldn't look nice and normal.

Factual error: When Clarice is being questioned about the fake postcard, they are supposed to be in Washington DC, but the James Monroe building located in Richmond, Virginia can be seen through the window. (01:24:56)

Factual error: Clarice shoots the guys in the barn, then handcuffs the fat one, but as she is walking away his arms are spread too far apart to be cuffed. When the pigs come in, we see him dragging his buddy using only one arm with the other at his side, again impossible when cuffed.

Continuity mistake: When Clarice is opening the letter written to her by Hannibal, it is sealed with wax, and not glued down in any way. While she's reading it, Hannibal is shown licking an envelope. (00:32:05)

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Hannibal Lecter: On a related note I must confess to you, I'm giving very serious thought... to eating your wife.

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Trivia: At the end of the opening credits, just after "Screenplay by David Mamet" and before "directed by Ridley Scott", look at the right hand side of the screen - you can see Hannibal's face drawn by pigeons. (00:04:25)

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Answer: In the book it says that Clarice had caught Buffalo Bill before he could. It said also that is why he hated her early in the book.

Answer: Starling says to Krendler "Paul, what is it with you? I told you to go home to your wife, that was wrong?", implying that he had made a pass at her and she had rejected him. He replies that it was a long time ago, and that he didn't hold it against her, but combined with Mason Verger's bribe this was most likely the cause of his antagonism towards Starling.


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