Halloween: H20

Continuity mistake: Although I understand the fact that H20 didn't want to include the Halloween 4, 5 and 6 timeline, Michael was burnt to a crisp by Dr. Loomis in the epilogue of Halloween 2, so he should have a fully burnt body. Also Michael was shot twice by Laurie in Halloween 2... He would have at least had scars/damage to his face in H20.

Sean Kadlec95

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Suggested correction: This is addressed and left unexplained in the film, as Laurie's son doesn't believe Myers could have possibly survived the events of 'Halloween II' but apparently has anyway. We are left to speculate whether 'Halloween II' had truly ended the way we had seen, or if the recent killings were not actually by Myers but a copycat stalker, or if Myers is supernatural, etc. Viewers are free to consider this a bad or stupid choice if they wish, but strictly speaking it isn't a mistake.


Suggested correction: Michael's vision is also fine despite losing his eyes to gunfire at the end of Halloween 2. He can regenerate far better than most people.

Plot hole: At the end of the film all the police and ambulance vehicles manage to get into the school, but earlier Keri/Laurie smashed the mechanism that opens the gate.

cameron davies

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Suggested correction: There's been a series of murders tied to an infamous serial killer... more than likely the police broke down the gate to gain access. (Which can be done in any number of ways: sawing through the locks, having the fire department dismantle it, ramming through it with an armored vehicle, etc.) They're not going to not come in just because there's a gate they can't open. Also, a quick Google search indicates that often, police are given access codes or ways to remotely open gates at certain buildings (schools, senior centers, etc.) in the event of an emergency. So it's entirely possible they also had a way to open the gate without breaking it down.


Continuity mistake: More than one mask was used in the film. This is most noticeable as the look of the mask changes from time to time.

More mistakes in Halloween: H20

Tony Allegre: Hasn't anyone told you, second hand smoke kills.
Marion Wittington: Yeah, but they're all dead.

More quotes from Halloween: H20

Trivia: The trivia and in jokes abound in this film. Firstly, you have Janet Leigh (Jamie Lee Curtis' mother) playing Norma (reference to Psycho) and complaining that the "showers are blocked again" (second reference to Psycho). In her last scene in the film, Janet Leigh is about to get into and drive away in the same car that she used in Psycho.

More trivia for Halloween: H20

Question: If Myers switched with the paramedic (as shown at the start of the next movie) and the medic couldn't speak because his larynx was crushed, why didn't he take the mask off to show Laurie it wasn't Myers? At the end you can see that he was able to have full use of his arms and hands when he got out of the body bag, then got up after he got hit by the van and when he was pinned he raised his hands to her.


Chosen answer: There is no answer to that. Its simply bad work by the writers. They never tried to explain that. You could perhaps assume shock had prevented the paramedic from immediately taking the mask off. Unlikely though,.

Answer: Because they didn't think there'd be another movie, as this one appeared to be Myers' swan song, as it should've been.


Answer: And seriously, only a Michael Myers could survive all of that trauma. It was a Hollywood ending that could go either way and if the ratings and the income was savory enough, the paramedic dies! So yes, maybe this paramedic was a Myers relation.

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