
Continuity mistake: When the Amistad is captured by the American naval vessel, and Cinque jumps out of the dinghy to swim for it, the frontal shot of his face with the pursuing boat behind him shows the sun overhead, at midday or morning, towards viewers' left. When the shot changes to behind him (chaser's view), the sun is dead in front of him and setting.

Continuity mistake: The lettering on Amistad's dinghy changes, from all capitals when the Africans come ashore, to upper and lower case when they return to the ship.

Continuity mistake: When Cinque approaches the bonfire, he's wearing his coat. When the camera angle changes, the coat has disappeared and he's wearing a white shirt.

Jean G

Other mistake: When the slaves are getting into the Portuguese ship (the "Tecora"), the crew shouts in clear Spanish (some Spaniard and some Mexican accent) rather than the expected Portuguese. (01:18:10)

More mistakes in Amistad

Judge Coglin: Were they born in Africa? Since the answer to that fundamental question shall so heavily govern every determination of this Court, I ask it again. Were they born in Africa?

More quotes from Amistad

Question: In the last scene of the film the ship appeared to me to be sailing in a westerly direction (sun sets in the west). Wouldn't the ship need to go east from USA to sail to Sierra Leone?


Chosen answer: It's likely that the scene was set in the morning, meaning they would be going east.

Greg Dwyer

More questions & answers from Amistad

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