George Kittredge: That sounds like Tracy's voice.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: No, no. It's just the night watchman.
George Kittredge: It's a woman's voice.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Well he's a lyric tenor you see.
Mike Connor: Didn't you once know a girl named Tracy Samantha Lord?
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Yes, I did.
Mike Connor: No, you didn't! If you did, you wouldn't have let her go.
Mrs. Seth Lord: Tracy, look at the way she does her hair.
Tracy Lord: Oh, yes, it's lovely. Is it lacquered?
Mike Connor: Hey, Liz.
Liz Imbrie: Huh?
Mike Connor: Look at all the loot they've collected.
Liz Imbrie: They must run a hockshop on the side.
Tracy Lord: I would like to talk to you privately.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Well now, I consider that right neighborly.
Tracy Lord: Caroline Lord, if you put this picture in my wedding presents once more I am going to personally chain you to your bed.
Mrs. Seth Lord: This is Miss Elizabeth Imbrie and Mr Mike Macauley Connor. They're from Spy magazine.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Spy? Say your tastes have changed a little haven't they, Sam?
Mike Connor: Have you heard the story of a boy a girl, unrequited love?
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Sounds like pure soap opera.
Mike Connor: I may cry.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Tune in tomorrow.
Mike Connor: You know how I feel about my grandmother but I'd sell her for a drink.
Mike Connor: This joint's full of spies.
Liz Imbrie: That should make us feel at home.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: You'll find it under Harvard Classics. Just give Darwin a little nudge.
Mike Connor: I'm gonna dance.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Don't get hurt.
Tracy Lord: Help me off the pedestal.
Seth Lord: Watch out for that first step, it's quite a tumble.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: They met in a hole in the ground.
Louis Armstrong: What goes on around here? There's a dark horse in this here race and my boy's running a slow third.
Caroline Lord: Mother, don't you think it's stinking of Tracy not to invite father to the wedding?
Mrs. Seth Lord: Yes, just between us, I think it's good and stinking.
Tracy Lord: There are fairies at the bottom of my garden all ringing little bells.
Tracy Lord: One thing's for sure. You're well rid of me.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Oh, no, no-one can say that but me.
Tracy Lord: Mother, don't you think Caroline is old enough to be sent to a good military school?
Caroline Lord: Dexter, are you ever going to get married again?
C. K. Dexter-Haven: Sure I am, I'm just waiting for you to grow up.
Caroline Lord: Oh Dexter, for you I'll hurry.
C. K. Dexter-Haven: You're gonna have to.