Godzilla 2000

Revealing mistake: When the Japanese tanks are firing upon Godzilla, one of the pyro effects catches the Godzilla suit on fire (at the arm). One can see the stunt man begin to frantically shake his arm upon this realization before the editing cuts to another shot.

Revealing mistake: When the Japanese tanks are firing upon Godzilla, one of the pyro effects catches the Godzilla suit on fire (at the arm). One can see the stunt man begin to frantically shake his arm upon this realization before the editing cuts to another shot.

More mistakes in Godzilla 2000

Yuki Ichinose: Don't you think this is a little too close?
Yuji Shinoda: I need to get as close as possible. If you don't like it, go home and watch it on TV.

More quotes from Godzilla 2000

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