The American President

Factual error: When Sydney arrives at the Christmas Party, President Shepherd and A.J. MacInerney ask where she's been. She says she was stuck at Dupont Circle and they ask why she was on the Hill. But to get from Capitol Hill to the White House, one would not drive anywhere near Dupont Circle.

Factual error: In the scenes of the dinner honoring the President of France, they descend the stairs into the entrance hall and cross towards the State Dining Room. The remaining scenes of the dinner take place in the much larger East Room, completely on the other side of the White House, recognizable from the larger chandeliers and greater size of the room.

Factual error: At the end of the movie the President gives Sydney roses. She asked him how he was able to give a woman flowers while being the President. His response is "it seems I have a rose garden." This was the night of the State of the Union Address. This happens in late January, no roses would be available this time of year from an outdoor garden in January in Washington DC.

Continuity mistake: When the President comes home, right before Sydney tells him that he lost her vote, he is walking up the stairs and unbuttoning his jacket. However, in the next shot, he goes to kiss his daughter, and his jacket is buttoned again.

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More quotes from The American President

Question: I have a question about the scene where Sidney receives the ham from the President. At the theatre I believe someone read the note aloud, but my video cut that part. Does anyone know what the note said?

Answer: Sydney mouths the words to the note and laughs, but she doesn't say the words outloud.


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