
In the future discrimination is based on genetics, not race or class. Parents see geneticist to filter out undesirable traits in their children. Vincent's parents decided to go trust mother nature and concieve naturally. Vincent is seen as genetically inferior and is doomed to a life of servitude. His parents have a second child and choose to consult a geneticist. this child is his parents pride and joy. Vincent is treated as if he's fragile and will die any moment.
Vincent dreams of going into space but he is seen as unfit. He finally gets the courage to go out on his own when he beats his "genetically superior" brother in a swim race.
He decides to use one of the genetically elites identities to get into the space program. It's a complex procedure, in which he uses the donors body fluids to fool gene testing machines. He is set for a flight when the director of the program is murdered.
While the investigators are working Vincent loses an eyelash leaving his DNA. The murder investigation focuses on him. The detective is sure that Vincent is the guilty party. It becomes harder for him to diguise himself.


Visible crew/equipment: When Ethan Hawke is picking out a suit and shoes, you see a distinct hand on the left side of the closet holding up what must be a false wall. (00:33:25)

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Trivia: In the Gattaca world, people like Vincent who fake their genetic profile are known as borrowed ladders. This is a reference to the double helix, or ladder shape, of DNA.

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Question: When 'Jerome' has his blood tested with the syringe, and jumps up pretending to be in pain, he puts his own test tube down on the trolley, but the sample from his arm was in the syringe; why does the doctor not realise that it's not his? Is he in on it, or is the syringe suppose to be filling from the test tube, like the finger print capsules?

Bryn Charles

Chosen answer: Jerome does a little sleight of hand, switching the vials.

Greg Dwyer

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