The French Connection

Popeye and Russo find out that drugs are hidden in the rocker panels of Charnier's Lincoln Continental. Meanwhile, Charnier takes his car to a drug trade on a small island with only one entrance. When Charnier leaves, he gets to the end of the bridge and finds Popeye, waving to him. The cops then chase him back to the island, where Russo and the cops have a shootout with the other drug dealers. Popeye chases after Charnier who leads him into an abandoned crematorium. Popeye shoots at what he thinks is Charnier, but in actual fact, he shot Mulderig (the cop he hated so much). Popeye tells Russo that he saw Charnier and that he will find him. He runs off deeper into the crematorium, until he is out of sight. A gunshot is heard, and the screen goes black. An epilogue tells us that Charnier got away, and Popeye and Russo were transferred out of Narcotics and reassigned.

jezzy t

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film in Brooklyn, it is obviously dark outside (nighttime). As they are chasing the guy from the bar, it all of a sudden is during the daytime as it is light outside.

Martin Sullivan

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Suggested correction: I think that it looks dark because they are under an elevated train track.

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Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle: If that's not a drop I'll open up a charge for you at Bloomingdale's.
Buddy "Cloudy" Russo: Make it Alexander's Toy Department.

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More trivia for The French Connection

Question: Could the police really put the Lincoln back together perfectly and that quickly?

Answer: It's a different car of the same make and model that they swapped for the one they tore apart, and in which they hid the drugs in the same place as the original.

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