Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Plot hole: When Jeannie encounters Mr. Rooney at her house, she attacks him and calls the police. Later, the police pick her up for filing a false report. Why? Surely they would've seen signs of an intruder such as a dropped wallet on the floor and footprints in the mud right next to the house.

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Suggested correction: Without knowledge of what happened when the police visited, it's impossible to call this a plot hole. It might be that the police knocked on the door, Jeannie answered and explained that by the time they got there the intruder had gone. She could have got angry at them like she did on the phone. Maybe they arrested her there and then, without entering the house or searching the grounds (for someone they'd just be told was no longer there). Who knows? Unlikely sure, but not impossible.

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning of the movie there is a brief scene around the empty house. While the camera is in the kitchen you can see a reflection of one of the set guys moving in the fridge handle.

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Ferris: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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Trivia: Throughout the movie, many different characters either sing or hum the song "Danke Schoen". Ferris sings it in the shower, Mr. Rooney hums it while he is waiting at Bueller's front door, Jeanie sings it while running down the stairs after kissing Charlie Sheen, and Ferris sings it again during the parade.

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Question: When Sloane was told her grandmother was dead, did she know it was a hoax? And did Rooney figure it out?

Answer: Sloane knew it was a hoax. Ferris would not have done something like that without her knowing. Rooney pretty much had figured it out, but could never prove anything. Once he was discovered inside the Bueller house (illegally) by Ferris' sister, anything he did know he would have to keep to himself.


Sloane starts to put her jacket on the moment that she sees the school nurse walk into the classroom, suggesting that Sloane already knew she would be called out, and she smiles to her classmates.

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