Father of the Bride

Question: What is the name of the song that Eugene Levy sings at the house, when he is trying out for wedding singer?

Answer: "Volare", originally performed by Nicola Arigliano in the 50's, but made most popular by Dean Martin.

Continuity mistake: During the wedding reception, George (Steve Martin) is called outside to meet with the police because there are too many cars parked in the street. Notice that the police car is curbside completely surrounded by cars. In fact, the whole street is packed with cars, making one wonder how the police car got up to the house.

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George: Who presents this woman? This woman? But she's not a woman. She's just a kid. And she's leaving us. I realised at that moment that I was never going to come home again and see Annie at the top of the stairs. Never going to see her again at our breakfast table in her nightgown and socks. I suddenly realised what was happening. Annie was all grown up and was leaving us, and something inside began to hurt.

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Trivia: Martin Short was not supposed to have the accent he uses in the film. Instead, as a joke he began using it and the director thought it was funny-so it stayed.

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