Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State (1998)


(7 votes)

Movie Quote Quiz

Brill: In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now with calls bouncing off satellites, they snatch'em right out of the air.

Robert Clayton Dean: Hey, I'll be back to get my blender.
John Bingham: Yeah, I'll have it gift-wrapped.

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film, after the shootout, there's a shot with the camera zooming in on a newspaper at Will Smith's front door. If you pause it right once the headline fills the top of the screen, you'll notice all the paragraphs are just repeated, word for word. Additionally the word "received" is misspelled.

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More trivia for Enemy of the State

Question: Why does Thomas Reynolds want the telecommunications security and privacy act to be passed into law so bad that he has a congressman killed? To advance his career?

Answer: Yes, and to increase the importance of his agency.

David Mercier

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