Ferrari: I know I lost my virginity at prom. How about you? When did you lose your virginity?
April: When I was ten.
Ferrari: Okay, moving on.
Danielle: Ooh, boxers.
Matthew: I always wear boxers. You just caught me on a weird day.
Matthew: I'm in so much trouble.
Danielle: Hi, I'm all wet. Can I come in?
Eli: I could make a better sex-ed film with my mom.
Kelly: Friends don't fuck with each other's business.
Matthew: I just wanna let you know, I know who you really are, and you're better than this.
Matthew: Hey, there's the big daddy.
Dr. Salinger: Matthew, what has been going on?
Matthew: Some serious shit.
Mrs. Kidman: Eli, do those girls go to your school?
Eli: Actually, no, Mrs. Kidman, they're porn stars.
Kelly: Ah, it's cool. I like runnin' errands.
Kelly: Hey, you guys know Matty? I hung with him last night. Guy's the tits.
Kelly: Stay in school.
Eli: Learn to like it.
Ferrari: Your name is Klitz?
Klitz: With a K.
Karate Guy in Porn Film: Oooh, excellent, grasshopper. And now, for the final task of your training.
Danielle: You're gonna need a harder piece of wood that that, cowboy.
Matthew: That's not her.
Eli: Yeah, it is.
Matthew: Oh, no.
Mrs. Kidman: Do these girls go to your high school?
Eli: No, Mrs Kidman. They're porn stars.
Eli: Dude.
Matthew: I know.
Klitz: Dude.
Matthew: I know.
Answer: It is an actual sex education film titled "Parent to Child About Sex" by The Film Library Department of Human Resources.