The Passion of the Christ

Jesus dies on the cross and is resurrected.

Jesus H. Christ

Revealing mistake: Just before the Roman soldiers pressed Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry the cross, Jesus has fallen and we see that the bruised and swollen-shut eye is now his left. The shot changes and when it comes back to Jesus his right eye is swollen shut again. The film must have been flipped.

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Jesus: Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do.

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Question: I have heard a rumor that Gibson plans to produce both a prequel and a sequel to The Passion. Does anyone know if this is true or have any information?

Answer: There is going to be another movie; The Resurrection, which could shoot as early as the summer of 2018, the release date will be some time in 2019-2020. I previously watched this movie and felt it left on a cliff hanger, (tho I already know what happens in the end) I figured there has to be another one coming.

Answer: No idea about a sequel, though the only "prequel" idea I know about is the story of the Maccabees (the story of Haunakah (sorry for the spelling)).


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