Ed Wood

Continuity mistake: At the wrap party for "Bride of the Atom," when Dolores starts screaming at Ed "These movies are TERRIBLE!" her hair is curled in ringlets that hang down to the tops of her shoulders. She then stalks out of the warehouse, and Ed follows her. When he catches up to her in the parking lot, and she tells him she is leaving him, you can clearly see that her hair is suddenly much shorter and curlier.

Continuity mistake: When Ed is filming Bela Lugosi's last footage in front of his house, he is standing on the sidewalk, facing the house. From the camera's point of view there is a concrete walk leading to the porch, yet when there's a cut to the house's view, the walk is gone. It's just grass.

Factual error: The movie is set in the late 1950s, yet Ed's car has yellow-on-black California license plates that weren't issued until 1963. The plates on Ed's car should be black-on-yellow 1956 issue plates.

Other mistake: Ed Wood's second girlfriend (later his wife) is not a practiced knitter. Her technique is terrible and she looks like she was taught how to knit about five minutes before the scene.

Continuity mistake: When the movie ends Kathy stands out in the rain trying to cover her head. Her arm's position is inconsistent between shots.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie, Dolores' sweater has a V-neck. But later, when she plays the file clerk in Bride of the Atom, the neck is round, even though the same angora sweater is used throughout.


Factual error: Ed Wood films Lugosi exiting his house, and grabbing a flower near the entrance, a scene to be shown in "Plan 9". However, in fact, the real scene of "Plan 9" shows Lugosi exiting his house, walking across a garage door (that doesn't exist in "Ed Wood") and grabbing a flower around there.

Dr. James

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: We don't have a permit. Run.

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Chosen answer: According to Tim Burton in an interview at the time, they were "taking a little vacation from each other", - he also said that he was not sure what the situation between them was, which certainly implied a falling out. Danny Elfman is a bit more open, describing what happened as "a family feud" - he says that after working on six films together in ten years, they had a bit of a creative fallout, which led to Howard Shore doing the music for Ed Wood. Afterwards, according to Elfman, they realised that they missed working together and went back to collaborating happily.


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