Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the car chase comes to an end, check the curb where the cars drive over: a small ramp has been placed to allow for the stunts.


Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Adams is inside the trench and dirt begins to pour, he is replaced by an obvious stuntman with a totally different hairstyle.


Revealing mistake: During the car chase (an obvious rear projection), Lew keeps turning the steering wheel around despite the car driving straight. (00:09:39)


Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Denise picks up Corry, he has a silver patch underneath his shirt. Seemingly some sort of protection.


Revealing mistake: During the jolt by the dam, the worker's table shakes, but not the rest of the stuff surrounding them, revealing that someone was moving the table underneath. (00:05:58)


Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning, after a couple of small earthquakes, Fred comes flying out of the dam elevator shaft with a whole heap of water, dead from drowning. But you can see him lift his head out of the water seconds before his friend turns him over and finds him definitely dead.


Revealing mistake: When the airplane is coming in for a landing, we see an exterior shot of the plane shaking violently well before it has touched down. Clearly the "earthquake" effect is achieved by merely shaking the camera.

More mistakes in Earthquake

Sgt. Lew Slade: Earthquakes bring out the worst in some people.

More quotes from Earthquake

Trivia: Walter Matthau plays the drunk who sits at the bar wearing a loud shirt and pimp hat. However, for the end credits his name is listed as "Walter Matuschanskayasky"

Mark Pitta 1

More trivia for Earthquake

Question: Each time this movie is shown on in Brisbane Australia an important scene is not shown. The deletion is of the airplane landing at the airport and then trying to get air-borne again before the runway is destroyed. Why is this removed?

Answer: There are two versions of the film. A 'film' version which does not include this scene (and others) and a 'TV Miniseries' version. The miniseries version was made to run over two nights and extra scenes were shot to extend the running time.


More questions & answers from Earthquake

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