Alien 3

Alien 3 (1992)

27 corrected entries

(8 votes)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ripley and the doctor perform a post mortem on Newt, they cut her open and blood flows down the drain. If it comes into prolonged contact with air, or the "user" dies, the blood should clot, and not flow like this. Even if this is wrong, they just took her out of the freezer, so she should be at least partially frozen.

Correction: The Blood does indeed flow, because the blood doesn't clot without clotting factors. There just isn't enough of those proteins to clot the whole amount of blood. And if (sic) she is dead, the liver won't produce clotting factors anymore... Besides, during autopsy there are always extra-vasated red cells, that "dye" tissue fluids to red.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film, the camera shows one egg, but then the movie shows two facehuggers.

Correction: Common debate between diehard fans of the films, but the running theory (and as written in the script) is that the one facehugger was carrying 2 embryos, one for the Queen and one for the warrior that would defend her. The life-cycle of the facehugger is never deeply examined in the films, and it would not be unbeleivable for a facehugger to carry two embryos, especially when it is carrying a queen embryo Naturally, the queen would need a defender, which would be the second embryo.

Or why couldn't 1 egg carry 2 facehuggers? Just like an egg can have two yolks?

Corrected entry: Just after the post mortem, or autopsy, Superintendent Andrews enter. Ripley wants the bodies to be cremated but Andrews says that they'll be put on ice. Later when they discuss, who should be leader (chapter 16 on the DVD), Morse tells Ripley about things that don't work. He also mentions the freezers, so how is the Superintendent going to put the bodies on ice, if the freezers don't work? And if the freezers don't work, how come the morgue's freezers work?

Correction: Morgue freezers are a necessity. '85' mentions to Ripley at one point that 'nothing much works here.' But most things such as the computer uplink system and basic electricity works. The whole complex is basically a forgotten prison colony. Only the absolute necessities would be working, so more than likely Morse was referring to standard food freezers.

Corrected entry: In the credits - and the warden says it - they mention chromosome YY, or double YY. But that is impossible; women are XX and men are XY; you have to have an X chromosome, sometimes you can have XXY, and maybe there are other variations, but there must be an X, no matter what.


Correction: XYY chromosomes in human males is quite common and is usually referred to as YY syndrome (though it isn't really a syndrome, medically speaking). They are using medical shorthand. Nothing unusual about that. See

This explanation is incorrect. The warden is using "Double Y" as shorthand for "male" and not referring specifically to any medical conditions the inmates might have. He is discussing the fact that a woman entering the facility full of violent men is problematic. The dialogue is incorrect as it assumes that females are "Double X" and males are "Double Y" when in fact males would be "XY", as the original entry states.


In the Alien universe, double YY syndrome is a fictional genetic anomaly that appeared in 22nd century and resulted in men having only two Y chromosomes and no X chromosome.

Corrected entry: How did the stowaway facehugger impregnate the dog (or ox, depending on which version of the movie) after it had already impregnated Ripley with the Alien Queen? Alien 1 & 2 had already established that facehuggers die shortly after impregnating a host. Not only would it be impossible for the same facehugger to impregnate 2 hosts, but it should have died after impregnating Ripley.


Correction: The Facehugger that impregnates the dog/ox and Ripley is a much stronger breed known as a Royal Facehugger, which is able to impregnate two victims and does not die until both of them are impregnated -


Corrected entry: When the prisoners are being chased by the alien in the corridors, it is seen that it runs much faster than the prisoners, yet can't catch them. Sometimes the alien is shown right behind them but when it switches to the alien's sight, you can see it is further away.

Correction: The Alien also has to navigate a number of bumps and holes and protruding parts of the ceiling, which slow it down considerably. It also has a 'fisheye' type of view, in that it sees things in front of it in a stretched, sort of 'in the fishbowl' manner.


Corrected entry: How come the alien eggs in all the films look different? At least the ones in the first three films should be looking the same since they came from the same queen.

Correction: The eggs in the first film were generations old, preserved by the stasis field in the bottom of the derelict. In Aliens, the eggs are all new, but are still virtually the same. In Alien 3, it is no different, even though we don't see the egg for more than a few seconds. In every movie, the eggs were brown and the same size, and not very different from one another, other than the fact that in Aliens, the eggs had a white slimy substance inside.


Disagree. If you watch Alien and Aliens the size of the eggs AND the facehuggers are definitely different...MUCH larger in Aliens.

Continuity mistake: Any shot of the alien which isn't made using a guy in a suit has a green glow around the alien's body but any guy-in-a-suit shots do NOT have a green glow.


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Andrews: This is Rumor Control. Here are the facts.

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Trivia: Originally, the movie was going to be shot by cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth, but Cronenweth suffered Parkinson's Disease midway through filming and was let go by the line producer, being replaced by Alex Thomson. However, impressed by Cronenweth's work, David Fincher later worked with Cronenweth's son Jeff in nearly all of his future movies, resulting in two Academy Award nominations.

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Question: Is it true that there was going to be a scene at the start of the movie where the Sulaco exploded, and why wasn't it filmed?

Darth Crucible

Answer: According to the Alien 3 Movie Special magazine from 1992, yes, there was a scene where the Sulaco explodes as the EEV pod ejects, damaging the guidance systems. Apparently it was filmed but not included in the final cut.


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