Dr. Dolittle

Dr. Dolittle (1998)


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Lucky: A little girl once called me "Please mommy, not him."

Dr. John Dolittle: How come I can hear you talking?
Lucky: I dunno. Maybe you're just weird or something.
Dr. John Dolittle: Shut up. You're a dog. dogs cannot talk.
Lucky: What the hell do you think barking is, an involuntary spasm?

Woman: Need some help?
Dr. John Dolittle: Oh, no, I'm - we're - we're fine. I'm just stretching my legs a little here.
Rodney: Ask her if she's got any lettuce.
Dr. John Dolittle: Shut your mouth. Shut your furry little mouth right now.

Dr. John Dolittle: I didn't say you were crazy, you're special, and crazy, a lot of great people in history were crazy.
Maya Dolittle: Like who?
Dr. John Dolittle: Some of the greatest people in history. Albert Einstein, he came in with that wild hair and everybody thought he was crazy. And Muhammad Ali, he came out saying what rounds he was going to beat people in, going "I'm the greatest!", everybody thought he was crazy. And Joan of Arc, she heard voices.
Maya Dolittle: Like you, Daddy?

Pound Dog: I am Kyser Soze.

Male Pigeon: The heart of a hawk! The heart of a hawk! The heart of a hawk.

Dr. Fish: I have to interpret why the dog is whining. He can't tell me.
Lucky: What's to tell? There's a thermometer! It's in my butt.

Lisa Dolittle: ...There's more to this HMO deal than money. You sell, they own you.
Dr. John Dolittle: Lisa, this is gonna be good for us.
Lisa Dolittle: I'm so tired of that rap. It's always for US, but sometimes I don't know who US IS!.

Dr. John Dolittle: ...Your daughter's turning into a little wise-ass.
Lisa Dolittle: Worse. She's turning into a little you.

Dr. John Dolittle: ...This should take care of the inflammation. The only problem is, who'll wipe it on for you?
Goat: Does Brad Pitt need a goat?

Squirrel #1: ...Bagel chips.
Squirrel #2: Back off, or you'll find your nuts in a tree.
Squirrel #1: Ow! Where's the love?

Lucky: What's he doing with that?
Dr. John Dolittle: You don't want to know.
Lucky: Just don't let him stick that thing up my... hello.

Factual error: Dr. Dolittle is driving through San Francisco with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee - there are no Dunkin' Donuts in San Francisco.

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Trivia: Eddie Murphy had a big problem while working on this movie: He is very squeamish about most animals. It is even so serious that he flatly refused to do a scene involving an alligator. Hence, most shots with animals were done via blue-screen technique.

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Answer: Geno deliberately broke Mark's nose during the party after Mark made a snide remark. After the party, when Mark suggested a way to have John committed and still get their money, Geno had enough of Mark's ignorance and punched him in the nose again to add further insult to injury.

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