
Trivia: In the film poster, the "Not alone" on Halle Berry's forearm is written running from wrist to elbow. However, in the film, when she removes her bandages, it runs elbow to wrist.

Trivia: Halle Berry had a small problem while filming. In the middle of a take her wrist was fractured by Robert Downey Jr. He apparently grabbed her too hard.

Plot hole: In the scene where she goes to her house after escaping there is no police tape on the front door even though it is a crime scene. Earlier the police searched and taped her office - it only makes sense that they would do the same to her house.

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Chloe: It was the only way to help him stop.
Miranda: Stop what?
Chloe: Stop fucking me.

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Question: Why does Miranda see a dead boy at the end? Her husband didn't "do" boys according to the Sherriff. Will she see every missing person now?

Answer: Probably, she has a sixth sense which will most likely help angry spirits bring down the person or persons who killed them or caused them to die.

T Poston

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