Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

During the maze event, Harry and Cedric Diggory reach the TriWizard cup together and agree to grab it simultaneously. The cup is actually a port key, and Harry and Cedric are transported to the Riddle family cemetery. Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail appears, and, on Voldemort's orders, kills Cedric. In a ritual using the bone of his father (Riddle Sr.), his servant's flesh (Pettigrew), and his enemy's blood (Harry), Lord Voldemort's shriveled body is restored to full power. He summons the Death Eaters and they assemble in a circle around him. Harry confronts Voldemort in a duel, but because their wands are 'brothers' neither can defeat the other. The wand streams connect and lock in priori incantatum. Shadows of Voldemort's murdered victims, including Harry's parents, spill out of Voldemorts wand. They momentarily shield Harry, giving him enough time to grab the port key and return to Hogwarts with Cedric's body. Back at Hogwarts, Mad-Eye Moody, who is really Barty Crouch, Jr. (using polyjuice potion to disguise himself) rushes a distraught Harry to his office. Crouch Jr. is a Death Eater, but before he can harm Harry, Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonnagal burst in and rescue him. Having run out of the potion, Crouch reverts to his normal form. It was Crouch Jr., who escaped from Azkaban Prison, who killed Crouch Sr. and entered Harry's name in the tournament. The real Mad Eye Moody, who has been locked in a trunk with a secret room attached, is rescued. At the end of the year, the Beaux Batons and Durmstrang students return to their own schools. Hermione bids Viktor good-bye, and they promise to write each other. Harry resigns himself to spending another summer at the Dursleys.

H.R.H. The King Of The Internet

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Wormtail performs the Avada Kedavra curse and then raises the "bone of the father," he places Voldemort's wand inside the left side of his coat, before he slices off his right hand. When Voldemort says, "My wand Wormtail," Wormtail retrieves the wand from the right side of his coat. (01:56:00 - 01:57:40)

Super Grover

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Ginny Weasley: He just asked Fleur Delacour to the ball. Actually he sort of screamed at her. It was a bit frightening.
Harry Potter: What did he do next?
Ron Weasley: What else? I ran for it!

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Trivia: Tom Riddle's day of birth and death that is on the grave had to be digitally changed, after the director knew that "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" contains information about Riddle.

More trivia for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Question: If I understand correctly, Lily Potter's "love" protection no longer keeps Harry safe after the graveyard ritual, due to Voldemort getting some of Harry's blood. Why, then, doesn't Voldemort attack Harry at the Dursleys' house in the summer?

Answer: Voldemort's spell undid the Sacrificial Protection that Lily bestowed on Harry, but the Bond of Blood is a separate protection bestowed if the person sacrificing their lives is a relative. THAT spell is still renewed as long as Harry keeps returning to the Dursleys until age seventeen. Voldemort has removed one protection, but a second is still in place.

Captain Defenestrator

More questions & answers from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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