Dirty Harry

Visible crew/equipment: When the car with the bank robbers drives off Harry shoots the driver. The car crashes in a flower stand and knocks over a hydrant. When the camera angle changes to a view from the back you see a cable coming out of the trunk. (00:11:55)


Continuity mistake: In the early scene when Harry walks across the street to confront the wounded robber on the street ("Did he fire six shots or only five?"), the shotgun used by the robber is lying several feet from the robber's hand, but when he reaches the robber, the camera shot shows the shotgun just a few inches from the robber's left hand. (00:13:00)

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De Georgio: Morning, Harry.
Harry Callahan: Morning, fatso. Bressler wants to see you.
De Georgio: You're a sweet man, Harry.

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More trivia for Dirty Harry

Question: Is Callahan holding the binoculars upside down when he is peering down on the apartments looking for Scorpio? He is on the rooftop with the Jesus Saves Sign. They look upside down to me. (00:38:39)

Answer: Yes the binoculars are upside down.

More questions & answers from Dirty Harry

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