The Day the Earth Stood Still
Movie Quote Quiz

Klaatu: I'm worried about Gort. I'm afraid of what he might do if anything should happen to me.
Helen: Gort? But he's a robot. Without you, what could he do?
Klaatu: There's no limit to what he could do. He could destroy the Earth.

Reporter: I suppose you are just as scared as the rest of us.
Klaatu: In a different way, perhaps. I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.

Klaatu: Perhaps before deciding on a course of action, you'd want to know more about the people here - to orient yourself in a strange environment.
Mrs. Barley: There's nothing strange about Washington, Mr. Carpenter.
Klaatu: A person from another planet might disagree with you.
Mrs. Barley: If you want my opinion, he came from right here on Earth. And you know where I mean.
Mr. Krull: They woudn't come in spaceships, they'd come in airplanes.
Mrs. Barley: I woudn't be too sure about that.

Helen: Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.

Klaatu: Gort! Deglet ovrosco.

Klaatu: You have faith, Professor Barnhardt?
Barnhardt: It isn't faith that makes good science, Mr. Klaatu, it's curiosity. Sit down, please. There are several thousand questions I'd like to ask you.

Bit Man: They're here! They're here! They've landed! Over on the mall! They've landed.

Army physician: I don't know whether to get drunk or quit the practice of medicine.

Secretary: The phone doesn't work.
Mr. Krull: Well then call the phone company.
Secretary: But... the phone doesn't work.

Helen: I thought you were.
Klaatu: I was.

Klaatu: We have come to visit you in peace and with goodwill.

Bobby Benson: Department of Commerce. She's a secretary. They have a man they call the Secretary, but he isn't at all. My mother's a real secretary.

Klaatu: I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.

Helen: Now, you didn't really see a spaceship, but you thought you did.
Bobby Benson: I'd never call you a liar.

Klaatu: I won't resort to threats, Mr. Harley. I merely tell you the future of your planet is at stake.

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Trivia: In order to make Gort's body appear seamless, two different costumes were created, one that opened in the back for front shots and one that opened in the front for rear shots. Unfortunately, as someone has already pointed out on this site, it was sometimes rather difficult to co-ordinate which suit was needed for which shot and thus there are several times in the film where Gort's seams can be seen.

More trivia for The Day the Earth Stood Still

Question: For such and advanced species, wouldn't Klatu's people know that "reducing Earth to a burnt out cinder" (for its warlike ways) would also punish those billions of innocents who have no say in the policies of their governments or military? Wouldn't it be more effective to police the earth and neutralize any weaponry that we shot into space?

Answer: They said, how they handle their earth problems is no concern to them, it's only if they bring it to outer space and other worlds, they would take drastic measures to ensure that did not happen.

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