Dante's Peak

Factual error: After the volcanic eruption, there's a scene where we see our heroes going across a lake, which has been turned to acid by the lava. If this acid is strong enough to corrode the propeller, then surely the fumes would be destroying their lungs, in which case they should be dead, or close to it.


Factual error: The scene in which the main characters are in the ranger station truck and are driving across the lava flow, you see the tire getting absolutely covered in lava, flinging it inside the wheel well, plus the bottom of the truck is basically only an inch or two above it. How did the gas tank and the fuel lines survive that miraculously without melting or bursting? The heat would literally boil the fuel inside the lines and the truck would no longer be able to run.

Factual error: In the scene where Pierce Brosnan hot wires the pickup truck, it is clear the truck has a locking steering wheel and gearshift. Even if he connected the correct wires to start the truck, he wouldn't be able to move or steer it.

Factual error: In the scene where Paul and the National Guardsman are leaving the motel for the final time after packing up, Paul follows the two Humvee's out of town. Being a Guardsman myself, I know for a fact that all civilians would be in front and Humvees would be following them. It is standard operational procedure.

Factual error: That truck they're driving had better be fitted with a couple of powerful rocket motors, because they outdrive a pyroclastic explosion, which would be moving at about 300kmh, and the wide shots show it's moving much faster than vehicle speed. We see the pyroclastic cloud just metres behind the truck - it would overtake them in seconds.

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Suggested correction: A pyroclastic flow can have a speed of up to 400km/h. The key word here is "up to" and in reality they are usually much slower than this with the average speed being around 100km/h. Scientists believe the flow that followed the eruption of Saint Helens in 1980 had a maximum speed of just 72km/h.

Read the posting again, watch the film again. " the wide shots show it's moving much faster than vehicle speed." The pyroclastic flow at Mt St Helens may have been slow enough to outrun, but the one at Dante's Peak wasn't. This also makes this a continuity mistake as the sped of the flow varies drastically from shot to shot.

Factual error: When being rescued from the crater, Harry tells the helicopter that he is 600 feet below the rim. But earlier, when first the other scientist and then Harry went down into the crater it took a very short time - that could not have been 600 feet. And also from the look of the distance it was more like 150 feet. (00:13:10)

Jacob La Cour

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Suggested correction: He's saying he's "about" 600ft below the helicopter, not below the rim. Also, Harry was just guessing at the distance, it could be more, it could be less.

Factual error: If the lake was already acid while the family was in the lodge for a while, the wooden docks should have already been dissolved.

Roman Curiel

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Suggested correction: Different materials react with sulphur dioxide in different ways. Sulphur dioxide (or SO2) wouldn't actually dissolve wood, it would just char it and weaken it.

Continuity mistake: When they are driving up the mountain to get to her kids, they cross a river and they get hit on the passenger side of the truck shattering the window, but later when they show them going up the mountain there is a new window there.

More mistakes in Dante's Peak

Harry Dalton: My 9th grade science teacher always said that if you put a frog in boiling hot water, it would jump out. But put it in cold water, and heat it up gradually, it would slowly boil to death.
Nancy: What's that Harry? Your recipe for frog soup?
Harry Dalton: It's my recipe for a disaster.

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Trivia: When we see Paul in the van as it is taken over by the overflowing river, just as he hits the water, we hear the Wilhelm scream.

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Question: Why is the rescue pilot helicopter such a selfish person? He complains about working over lunch, refuses to embark on a search-and-rescue mission without hiking his rates, and even extorts desperate townspeople trying to evacuate on his helicopter for all their money. Why was he such a greedy and insensitive egotist?

Answer: Because the character is written to be the stereotypical antagonist whose sole purpose is to create the obligatory plot conflict. This was such a silly, unrealistic, and all-around bad movie, that the two-dimensional villain guy fits right in. I live in Washington and remember when Mt. St. Helen's erupted. Dante's Peak, which was based on it, was nothing like the real-life event.


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