Agent Cody Banks

Cody is reinstated to the CIA and Ronica Miles becomes his partner. Natalie gets her licence due to a favor Cody called in from the CIA. Natalie becomes Cody's girlfriend after Cody saves her from the evil scientists.


Continuity mistake: When Cody Banks crashes a rocket propelled snowboard into a tree, Ronica Miles meets him using a jet pack. When she lands, she unbuckles herself and all the straps are seen free. After a shot of Cody's snowboard in the tree, it goes back to Ronica and she begins unbuckling herself from the jet pack again.

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Trivia: That really cool red car that Cody drives to the party is Frankie Muniz's car in real life.

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Question: Why did they take Cody off the mission just because he was defending himself from some bullies? Also, why did Cody lie to Natalie by saying he was taken off the mission because he became too close to her?


Answer: The fight with the bullies made the school paper and drew unwanted attention to Cody which could compromise his mission. Cody lied to Natalie to try and impress her.


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