Courage Under Fire

Trivia: The unit that was portrayed in the tank battle was to be the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment because they were actually in a friendly fire incident. During the shoot, someone showed the director the 2nd ACR's patch and he thought that was better looking.

Trivia: The Tech-rep for this movie was an Armor Captain from the California National Guard who never made it to Desert Storm. In a bit of irony, one of the officers from the 2nd ACR that was in the largest tank battle in Desert Storm applied for this position, but was told that he didn't know anything about desert warfare.

Continuity mistake: During the early part of the movie, there are a number of references to the Blackhawk crew, yet the wreckage is that of a Huey.

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The President: Few of us are given the opportunity, even fewer the courage to sacrifice ourselves for the lives of our comrades. In daily life, even as in battle each one of us is mysteriously and irrevocably bound to our fellow man. And yet, it is only in death that the power of this bond is finally tested and proven. And who among us really knows how he might respond when the moment comes?

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