10 Things I Hate About You
Movie Quote Quiz

Patrick: Don't ever let any one make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.

Ms. Perky: I've been hearing a lot of complaints about you again. People are saying you're...
Kat: tempestuous?
Ms. Perky: Well, "heinous bitch" is the term used most often.

Kat: Remove head from sphincter, then drive!

Ms. Perky: I've been hearing a lot of complaints about you again. People are saying you're...
Kat: Pretentious?
Ms. Perky: Well, "heinous bitch" is the term they use most often.

Kat: Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action.
Ms. Perky: The way you expressed your opinion to Bobby Ridgeway? By the way, his testicle-retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested.
Kat: I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.

[Patrick has been accused of exposing himself.]
Patrick: I was joking with the lunch lady, it was a bratwurst.
Miss Perky: A bratwurst? My, aren't we the optimist.

[When asked if he'd date Kat.]
School Geek: Only if we were the last two people on Earth, and there were no sheep. Are there sheep?

Audio problem: When Patrick starts singing and gets that marching band to play, look closely at the cymbal player when he bangs them together - it makes the sound, but they don't touch. (01:01:40)

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Trivia: Kat's last name is Stratford, a homage to Shakespeare's home town of Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire.

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Question: When Michael tells Cameron that Bogie started that rumour at the beginning of the movie, what are Izods? Is it an American thing or something?

Answer: They are a clothing brand, long associated with the 'preppie' type and society's upper crust. Until the emergence of Polo in the mid 80's, 'Izod' (and their alligator logo) was virtually synonymous with 'knit golf shirt.' If one aspires to the silly conventions of wearing such labels for their status, one would never buy them from an outlet mall, only an exclusive high-dollar retailer.

Rooster of Doom

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