Congo mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When Charles Travis picks up the eyeball as he sits on the steps of Zinj, he changes from holding it in his fingers/on his palm. (00:06:50)


Congo mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Elliot is doing his presentation, there is a large TV on a stand, with a VCR, which suddenly vanishes halfway through. (00:11:10)


Congo mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Charles Travis sits on the steps of Zinj, waiting for Jeffrey to get his bag, there are branches to his right, which keep disappearing. (00:06:30)


Congo mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When Homolka has to jump out of the plane, he first sticks his head out the door. The exterior shot shows that his left hand is holding onto the plane but not in the interior shots.

Congo mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: After the diamond mines of Zinj are found, Homolka gathers up the diamonds. When he asks Kelly to help, his hands change positions between shots. (01:26:54)

Continuity mistake: As the group enters Zinj, a black man leads. As he walks through a cave, he is holding nothing. In the next shot he has a machete and gun. (01:05:50)


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Amy the Gorilla: Ugly gorillas. Ugly. Go away.

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Trivia: According to Frank Marshall, the Amy suit was apparently so convincing that many viewers thought it was a trained gorilla, and were amazed as to how the Amy scenes were accomplished, frequently asking Frank how he managed to train a gorilla so well.


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