The Color Purple

Other mistake: Mister cooks Shug Avery a breakfast of grits, biscuits and ham, and takes it to her room. She throws the breakfast against the wall. The breakfast leaves a bright yellow and bright red stain on the wall. There was nothing on the tray that could have left those colors on the wall. (00:51:10)

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Suggested correction: There absolutely were 2 things on the plate that would have left those colors. When you see the plate up close, you see a red sauce (presumably ketchup or tomato sauce) on the side of the plate, and the yellow comes from the yolks from the sunny-side up eggs he made for her (which he mentions it as he takes the tray into the room). Look more closely at the plate next time. Also, just because the clip mainly shows him TRYING to make grits and biscuits, doesn't mean he didn't make anything else to go with it. The plate he carries up shows several things he made (mostly burnt) but the red sauce was definitely on the plate as well as the eggs. So this is incorrect.

Revealing mistake: Oprah Winfrey's character is supposed to be knocked unconscious, but as she is lying on the ground, the wind blows her skirt up and she reaches down, pushing her dress back down. (00:06:55)

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Shug: You sho is ugly.

More quotes from The Color Purple

Trivia: The character of Sofia is played by Oprah Winfrey. Sofia marries Harpo, as well as the fact that 'Harpo' is 'Oprah' reversed, 'Harpo' is also the name of Oprah Winfrey's production company.


More trivia for The Color Purple

Question: Shug and Celie found the hiding place in the floor in the bedroom looking for the letters. They found naked pictures, money, and of course the letters from Nettie. There were also some vials of something. What was inside of the vials?


Chosen answer: They appear to be illegal drugs.


Answer: Colognes.

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