The Color Purple

The Color Purple (1985)


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Old Mr.: Celie, you has my sympathy. Ain't many women allow they husband's ho to lay up in they house.

Shug: You sho is ugly.

Celie: He just climb on top of me and do his business.
Shug: "Do his business"? You sound like he going to the toilet on you.
Celie: That's what it feel like.
Shug: Why then, Miss Celie... that means you still a virgin.

Sophia: All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncles. I had to fight my brothers. A girl child ain't safe in a family of men, but I ain't never thought I'd have to fight in my own house.

Sofia: Sofia's happy now.

Shug: I's married now! I's married now.

Old Mr.: Boy, you goin' let this ol' nappy-headed girl cuss you out like that? You sittin' at the head of your own dinner table and actin' like the waiter.

Sofia: Sat in that jail, I sat in that jail til I near about done rot to death. I know what it like to wanna go somewhere and cain't. I know what it like to wanna sing... and have it beat out 'ya. I want to thank you, Miss Celie, fo everything you done for me. I 'members that day in the store with Miss Millie - I's feelin' real down. I's feelin' mighty bad. And when I seed you - I know'd there is a God. I know'd there is a God.

Shug: Do you mind if Albert sleep with me?
Celie: Do you like sleeping with him?

Sophia: I loves Harpo, God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead 'fo I let him beat me.

Miss Millie: You kids are so clean. You wanna come work for me, be my maid?
Sofia: Hell no.

Celie: Most time I pretend I ain't even there. He don't know the difference.

Celie: The jail you planned for me is the one you're gonna rot in.

Celie: Shug like honey. And now, I's just like a bee.

Celie: The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Squeak: You just a big ol' heifer.

Sofia: Now you want a dead son-in-law, Mrs. Celie? You just keep on advising him like you doing.

Revealing mistake: Oprah Winfrey's character is supposed to be knocked unconscious, but as she is lying on the ground, the wind blows her skirt up and she reaches down, pushing her dress back down. (00:06:55)

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Trivia: The cry of the baby Celie gives birth to at the beginning of the film is actually that of the (then) newborn son of director Steven Spielberg.


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Question: In the scene when Celie is first brought home with Mister there are three kids waiting outside. Harpo and two sisters. No one ever says their names and after the hair combing you never see them again. What happened to them?

Answer: It is never explained what happened to them in the movie, but in the book they marry and move away from home. Neither character is ever mentioned by their name in the book or the film.


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