
Clueless (1995)

44 mistakes

(6 votes)

Clueless mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the collection for the disaster relief, when Travis places the box down on the counter all the jars fall over, but next shot they're upright again.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Cher invites Christian over, she's wearing a lot of eyeshadow. Lots of pink and lots of colour. It's even clear after she falls off the bed. But when she shows him to the door, which is right after her falling off, her makeup is different.

Other mistake: On the back of the Clueless movie box, it says that it is "not easy being the most popular girl at Beverly Hills High..." but Cher goes to Bronson Alcott High School in the movie. The name is said and there are also a couple of scenes where you can see the initials BAH - most noticeably on the sweater of the gym teacher when Cher is trying to get her grade changed.

Continuity mistake: When Josh is taking Cher driving for the first time and Josh says "This is America we drive on the right side of the road." You see him saying that and then there is a cut of Cher and you see the curb like it's right next to her but you also see the curb right next to Josh - could be a one lane street but when they show you the car it is a 2 lane street.

Clueless mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Cher is waiting for Christian to call and packing her dad's suitcase up, you can see the shadow of the camera equipment moving up on the wall.

Continuity mistake: When Cher is sitting on the couch with Josh doing her hair, one shot of her from the back shows all her hair in the clip, but in another shot of her from the back, only some parts of her hair are in the clip, in half up-half down style.

Continuity mistake: When Cher and Josh are sitting on the stairs near the end, Cher's hair is either behind her ear or loose (I can't remember which). When they next show her it is the opposite.

Continuity mistake: At the party Tai, Cher, Josh and Christian are at, Tai asks Cher what to do with her shirt and Cher tells her to tie it around her waist. The film cuts to the band and when it cuts back to Tai, she's wearing her shirt again. The film again cuts to something else and when it cuts to Tai she isn't wearing the shirt, nor is it tied around her waist.

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Suggested correction: It is not exact cuts. Tai is standing there being ignored and she's trying to put her shirt on in different ways to attract attention. She went from wearing it open to tying it around her waist to putting it on and tying it just under her bustline to tying it around her head to finally just wearing it open.


Other mistake: When Tai is at Cher's burning all the things that remind her of Elton, she talks about how she likes Josh and how he danced with her at the frat. They never go to a frat. According to Dicky Barrett of the Might Bosstones (band in the club scene), it was originally scripted to be a frat party, but the band refused that setting, so they chose a club setting instead. This frat reference (where Josh dances with her) is actually referencing the club scene.

Continuity mistake: When Cher's report card comes in the mail, the date on the envelope says "02-09-93", however the date on the report card itself says "09/09/95".

Continuity mistake: When Cher, her father, and Josh are sitting at the table eating dinner, Cher can be seen holding an asparagus. She takes one bite of it, then when the camera zooms in on her it is suddenly a lot smaller than when she was holding it in the last shot.

Visible crew/equipment: When Cher goes to pick up Dionne at the beginning of the movie, you can see the reflection of a camera in the bottom left hand window of Dionne's house.

Audio problem: In the scene at the party when Tai sits up after Elton placed her on the table she hits her head on a light hanging overhead. The sound the bump makes is not consistent with someone hitting the light with their head in such a manner. It appears that it's just a sound effect added in. (00:37:30)

Other mistake: Near the start when Cher asks Tai how old she is, Tai says, 'I'll be 16 in May.' Then Cher says, 'Well, my birthday is in April, so as someone older than you...' But throughout the movie it is said that Cher is already 16. No birthdays are shown. You'd think that a rich girl in Beverly Hills would celebrate her birthday.

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Suggested correction: Cher is in the kitchen and then it shows her driving as she states she's 15, and Dionne is 15, and that Daddy says that 2 permits don't make a license.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Josh and Cher talk on the stairs, the shot changes to a close-up and they have moved from their previous positions. They are slightly closer together, and their legs are positioned differently.


Continuity mistake: When Murray parks the car in front of the Valley party house, the car blocks the stairs, but next shot when they get out of the car it's much farther up.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Amber's hair length changes throughout the movie. For example, when they are in gym class her hair is long but in the scene where Cher and Christian first meet her hair is short. This happens throughout the whole movie.

Continuity mistake: When Cher and Josh are sitting on the couch talking, she puts several clips in her hair. When shown from the front, they are in one position, and when shown from the side, they're in another.

Continuity mistake: After coming home from the party, Josh and Cher are talking while watching Ren and Stimpy. Cher's combing her hair and picks up a clip beside her, to her left. Before she has a chance to put that clip in her hair, when she picks up the phone that clip is already in her hair.

Mel: Do you know what time it is?
Cher: A watch doesn't really go with this outfit, daddy.

More quotes from Clueless

Trivia: Clueless is a direct retelling of Jane Austen's novel, Emma. Just a bit of trivia for Austenites.

More trivia for Clueless

Question: What is the name of the song that's playing when Josh is dropping the his girlfriend home? I tried using shazam but I got nothing.

Answer: It's Counting Crows' cover of "The Ghost In You".


More questions & answers from Clueless

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