Clear And Present Danger

Trivia: The Oval Office set from the movie "Dave" was reused for this film, with minor modifications.

Lynette Carrington

Trivia: There is a scene where Harrison Ford compares the Colombian and Mexican food, and he finishes saying "I hate Mexican food". In the version of the movie dubbed to Spanish this phrase is changed to "American food, junk food". This happens because this movie was dubbed in Mexico.

Continuity mistake: When Jack Ryan is in his office and hacks into Ritter's computer, he is trying to print out some files before Ritter deletes them. His printer fails to print, and after pulling out the paper drawer of his printer he discovers it is out of paper. Immediately, without closing the drawer, he quickly opens the door to the cabinet beneath the printer, grabs some paper, and the very next shot shows the printer paper drawer has mysteriously closed, so he has to pull it out again to add the paper.

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Felix Cortez: What would you say if I promised you that I would reduce the cocaine shipments to your country by half?
James Cutter: I'd say you were using too much of your own product.

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