City Lights

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie when the blind flower girl (Virginia Cherrill),sees her tramp benefactor for the first time Chaplin's hand jumps back and forth away from his mouth in sucessive shots.

Continuity mistake: When Charlie dives into the other boxer (Hank Mann) you can clearly see in the DVD release that Charlie is supported by a wire.

Continuity mistake: When the Tramp takes the blind girl home in the Rolls for the first time, he hands her her cane. But when they arrive at her house, she doesn't have her cane and he doesn't hand it back to her.

Continuity mistake: When Charlie goes to wash his hands, the shot leading up shows him in white pants, but when it cuts to the closer shot he is in brown slacks. (00:49:23)

Continuity mistake: When the millionaire has offered to give Charlie $1,000 for the girl, Charlie's full champagne glass is on the table behind the sofa. When Charlie finds the gun on the floor, the champagne glass has moved to the other end of the table, and is almost empty. (01:12:00)

Continuity mistake: When the Tramp takes the blind girl home in the Rolls for the first time, he hands her her cane. But when they arrive at her house, she doesn't have her cane and he doesn't hand it back to her.

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The Tramp: Be careful how you're driving.
Eccentric Millionaire: Am I driving?

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