The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

Trivia: When Eric and everyone aboard the ship jumps off before the iceberg hits them, one of the crew members lets out a Wilhelm scream.

Continuity mistake: When Melody is in her room getting ready for her party, at one shot her hair is down. In the next shot of her, it's in a ponytail, and in the next it's down again.

More mistakes in The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

Melody: I'm sorry, Mother.
Ariel: Oh no, sweetie, we're sorry. We should've told you the truth.
Melody: I just wanted to be a better mermaid than a girl.
Ariel: Oh, Melody, sweetie, it doesn't matter if you have fins or feet. We love you for who you are on the inside, our very brave little girl.

More quotes from The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

Question: When Melody escapes the castle she swims beneath that giant wall, through a hole and pulls out one of the metal bars that's there. Later on when she escapes the castle after arguing with Ariel, she happens to freely walk outside and pulls a boat and the sea's there. What happened to the hole?

Answer: She would only be going through that hole when she's swimming, but since she was walking on land there was no need for it. She could've gotten the boat and brought it to shore another way.

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