Addicted to Love

Continuity mistake: When Sam and Anton are finished fighting (Anton is in an upper-body cast), the arm support on his right keeps changing. First it's a short piece coming from the elbow, then it is a long piece coming from the side, and then back again.

Continuity mistake: When Matthew Broderick is watching his girlfriend on the wall with his camera, he starts painting the wall white. After he gets a good patch painted, they go in for a close-up. The close-up however is of him painting the wall from a few seconds earlier. You can tell this by his girlfriend making the same head movement, right before they cut to the close-up and the roller going in the same direction as it did before the close-up.

Continuity mistake: When Matthew Broderick went to New York to look for Kelly Preston, he went up to her apartment during the day. But when he left, it was night-time. He could not possibly be up there for so long as he only went up to ring her doorbell.

Factual error: At the start of the film, they are using an optical telescope for astronomy in daylight. This is not possible. The telescope is also far too small to be giving such a detailed picture.

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Maggie: I don't want him back, I just want him vaporized, extinguished! When I'm done with him, he'll be just a twitching little stain on the floor.

More quotes from Addicted to Love

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