Jewel of the Nile
Movie Quote Quiz

Joan Wilder: My heart just isn't in it. I mean, romance just doesn't seem real to me anymore.
Gloria: Real? You don't write real - you write about people that sail off into the god damn sunset.
Joan Wilder: Well, what about the next day, when the sun comes up?
Gloria: There is no next day! That's why it's a romance. You've got to stop confusing real life with a romantic novel.

Ralph: You know, I'll bet you can buy a great townhouse down here for around five or six dollars.

Jack T. Colton: I thought you said you wanted to sail around the world with me?
Joan Wilder: Well, I do, but, but not all of it this week. I mean, Jack, this is just becoming a blur. Exotic ports. And great parties. And spectacular sunsets. It's not enough.

Omar: Jack is dead.
Joan Wilder: Don't be ridiculous! Jack would never die without telling me.
Omar: Nevertheless, he's dead.

Factual error: There is absolutely no way to fit three people in the cockpit of a single seat F16 fighter. There is no large empty space behind the pilot's seat - there is a bulkhead, and behind that a rather obtrusive jet engine. Even the two seater training version of the F16 cannot accommodate three people - there is no space behind either seat large enough for a third person, which this mockup has.

More mistakes in Jewel of the Nile

Question: Does anyone know where the idea for the Arab flag in the movie came from? Seems to me it resembles the Louisiana flag (the bird with the babies) except with no writing. Did anyone else notice this?

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