Hot Shots Part Deux
Movie Quote Quiz

Topper Harley: Colonel, who are they?
Col. Walters: She's CIA. The other man's an extra.

Topper Harley: Ramada, I want to be with you. I want to hold you. I want to meet your parents and pet your dog...
Ramada: My parents are dead, Topper. My dog ate them.

President Benson: Cookie?
Col. Walters: No, thank you, sir.
President Benson: Young lady?
Michelle Huddleston: No, thank you, sir.
President Benson: No, I was just offering him a young lady.

Topper Harley: These men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like their fathers, and their fathers before them.

[Addressing a roomful of Japanese businessmen.]
President Benson: It seems like only yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes. Yet here I am today, begging you not to make such good cars.

[Phone Ringing].
Topper Harley: [Answering phone] Butcher of Baghdad, hello.
Woman on Phone: [Indistinct chatter].
Topper: Well, hello.
Saddam: Who is it? Who is it?
Topper: It's your wife, Hillary Rodham Hussein.


Topper Harley: You're the only one that knows how to get to the copter pad. If I'm not there in 15 minutes, you know what to do.
Colonel Walters: Yeah, we get the hell out of here.
Topper Harley: No. Wait another 15 minutes.


Commander Arvid Harbinger: War. It's fantastic.


Revealing mistake: When Walters is electrocuted, the kettle on his head is not resting on it but is fixed on the grid behind him, as to prevent it from falling off. Since Walters moves his head slightly, so should the kettle.

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Trivia: Just as in the first film, the end credits are crammed full of hidden jokes and miscellaneous one-liners.


More trivia for Hot Shots Part Deux

Answer: They use stock footage of Time square in the electrocution scene. This is taken from Home Alone 2.

Answer: It's just a joke. Like the Naked Gun movies, the credits contain inside jokes and utter nonsense.


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