Mad Max

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Continuity mistake: When Goose is ambushed by the bikers, one of them throws a brake drum through the windshield of his car, making Goose lose control and crash. As the car begins rolling down the hill, you can clearly see a silver-helmeted stunt driver falling across the front seat bench.

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Johnny the Boy: Whacked right out of his skull man! He ain't never comin' back.

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Trivia: Amongst the taunts that the Nightrider shouts to the police on the CB is a verse of the song "Rocker" by AC/DC.

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Question: Whatever happened to the 2 cops from the beginning that were in the March hare pursuit vehicle? We never see them again after the beginning. Did they die when their car overturned or what?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, they died. One of the other MFP officers says after the crash that "they're wasted".

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