Bird on a Wire
Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Factual error: Walking out of the clothing shop through the mall supposedly in Detroit, Rick and Marianne walk by mall corridors and stairs bearing all over flags of the Canadian provinces (the movie has been shot predominantly in Vancouver). (00:35:40)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mel Gibson is shown biting Goldie Hawn's leg he is obviously in a position with his belly down. And yet, when the car steers to the right in response to this peculiar stimulus, we see the body of the person in the car with their feet pointed up. Similar mistakes happen throughout the whole sequence. (00:38:05)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marvin falls back after the legs prank, he knocks down several bottles of motor oil, but two piles of boxes stay up. In the close-up that follows Mel Gibson's yuckety laughter, there's just one pile behind Marvin, and he suddenly has also a red rag on his shoulder (the same rag Gibson picks up later since it falls off the pants of the fake legs when 'Billy Ray' picks them back up). (00:07:40)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the "I'm in pursuit" guy splashes his bike into the cement, not only in the side view is there no fresh trace of Rick's bike (and the construction worker is even using his squeegee as if nothing happened), but in the POV shot you can even see that the bike is coming out of the alley into a solid well paved sidewalk. You can actually even see a camera crew (but this last part of the mistake is discernible just if you slow motion). (00:55:05)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the gas station, Marianne tells 'Billy Ray'; "You laugh like him." At the very beginning of the sentence you can spot walking left to right a guy in leather jacket, curly hair, with a blue umbrella. Thirty seconds of dialogue pass, the card checkout at the pump is complete, and in the wider shot the same guy is passing again just where we left him. (00:10:50)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the corrupt FBI agent holds Rick at gunpoint, he has his left hand on his shoulder in the two waist shots, but not so in the close-up of Gibson between them. (01:39:10)


Bird on a Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Look at the station of the teller in the Racine bank. In the closest angles the pen by the calculator is at a perpendicular angle and touches the machine, while in the wider angles it is a bigger distance. (00:50:35)


Continuity mistake: When Mel Gibson is getting the bullet pulled out of his backside, watch his trousers throughout the scene. First they're around his knees, then his ankles, then around his waist.

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Rick Jarmin: I haven't had a girlfriend for 5 years.
Marianne Graves: Really?
Rick: Yeah - Mr. Wiggly's been on bread and water for 5 years.

More quotes from Bird on a Wire

Trivia: When the agent pulls from the computer record Richard's file, an alias listed is "David Putnam - Columbia Pictures", employed from 06/04/1973 to 02/01/1975. That's an obvious reference to producer David Puttnam (two Ts), who had a brief stint as head of Columbia Pictures in 1986-87, not making many friends in the then Coca-Cola owned production company. (00:12:50)


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